One connection impacts lives.

There are several ways to donate your time and be part of our community. 

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I'm interested in

after-school Program Mentoring

Did you know that over 60 mentors volunteer their time each week?

All volunteer mentors commit to one afternoon each week throughout the semester. As a mentor, you will work alongside our team to assist with:
+ Homework and other assignments. 
+ Building relationships. 
+ Leading activities and supervising play.
+ Engaging students in conversation, games, and other free-time activities.
+ Encouraging good behavior and providing positive reinforcement.
+ Participating in activities such as cooking, art, music, leadership development, and spiritual formation.
+ Helping students stay on schedule and follow the rules.

Volunteer mentors may request to work with students in:
+ Elementary (K - 1st grade)
+ Elementary (2nd - 3rd grade)
+ Elementary (4th - 5th grade)
+ Middle and High (6th - 12th grade)

Become a Mentor

Summer Mentoring

Help create leaders.  Our Summer Program provides a safe, supervised place for students to come during the summer months when school is not in session. We rely on 40 weekly volunteer mentors to lead programming and build relationships.

Become a Summer Mentor

Common Good Kitchen

Sharing a meal strengthens a community. We serve a hot meal to our students in the After-School Program. As a Kids Cafe Program, we receive all our food from God’s Pantry and recruit volunteers to give their time each afternoon to prepare the meals. 

Cook With Us